The fight is over. Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous.
No matter what your problem with food, OA has a solution.
Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous
OA is a worldwide organization of men and women recovering from compulsive eating through shared strength, hope, and experience, one day at a time.
OA is not a weight-loss group or a diet-and-calories club. We require no dues or fees and are self-supporting through member contributions.
OAMen.org is dedicated to distributing information about meetings, resources, and support for men in OA.
Welcome to OA. Welcome home!
Men’s OA Helpline
The OA Men’s Service Team have launched a Men’s OA Helpline, to connect you with a male OA member to ask questions, get information, or just talk.
Men’s Sponsorship
Sponsors are OA members who help other members through their recovery, and is a vital part of recovery for both the sponsor and the sponsee.
Learn more about getting a sponsor and being a sponsor for men in OA.